  • air-portable–mobile-mat
  • air-portable–mobile-mat2

AiR Portable – Mobile Mat (Single)

25,500.00 ฿


In Stock & Ready to Ship

Quick description

Anytime, anywhere. Go with power a sleep redounds to you.

A mobile type “AiR” that easily turns the place like a hotel room into a comfortable sleep environment for athletes or business persons on trips.


AiR Portable Mobile Mat

Get a comfortable sleep anytime anywhere with the ultraportable “AiR PORTABLE”. By just adding this mattress onto a provided bed at facilities, you are able to enjoy all the functional benefits of “AiR” and a sound sleep.

Size: 3.5x97x195 cm.

Face side fabric: 100% polyester

Back side fabric: 65% polyester, 35% cotton

Mattress body: Urethan foam

Color: Black

Product made in Japan